About the Journal

Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin
Subject areas: Religious Studies, Philosophical Sciences
Аbstract databases:
The results of scientific research in religious studies (the role of religion in the modern socio-cultural space; problems of religious security, linguistic religious studies, psychology of religion, the relationship between law and religion religious expertise; the role of religion in the context of current natural science and transpersonal research, etc.) and philosophical sciences (anthropological visions of religion; problems of religion and morality; worldviews of religion; the latest research in the field of consciousness and religion; basic paradigms of the interconnection of science and religion, etc.). The Herald includes results of research in the fields of philosophy, religious studies and political sciences. For scientists, professors, students.

Certificate of state registration of the printed media KV № 20954-10394R dated 24.02.2014.

“Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin”,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, auditorium 309 (Religious Studies Department ), 60 Volodymyrska str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
Telefon: +380442393334
E-mail: sophiabulletin@gmail.com