Author Guidelines

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The editorial board accepts original, previously unpublished articles on religious studies, philosophy, political science and culturology.

The cost of publication: namely one accounting and publishing sheet (40,000 characters with spaces), is 1440 UAH (as of 01.04.2021).

Materials are submitted by e-mail -

Location of structural elements of the article:

- UDC index, aligned on the left edge;

- surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors), academic degree, academic title, position and place of work, ORCID, e-mail address, aligned on the right edge;

- the title of the article with caps lock in bold, centered;

- title of the article in English. Only common abbreviations can be used in article titles. The translation of the titles of articles into English should not contain any transliterations, except for untranslatable names of proper names, devices, and other objects that have their own names; also untranslatable slang is not used. This also applies to the author's abstracts (annotations) and keywords;

- annotation in Ukrainian, 900–2000 characters, 14 font, single space, bold and italic selection. The keywords themselves are in the usual font;

- the main text of the article;

- the list of used sources is made according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine taking into account the National standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 «Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation ". Sources are arranged in alphabetical order. Line spacing is single.

- the design of the transliterated list of references (References) in the Romance alphabet (Latin) should be as acceptable as possible for international databases and is based on the transliteration of the original language into Latin.

- annotation in English and Russian, 900–2000 characters, 14 font, single space, bold and italic. Keywords - in the usual font.

Importantly! English annotations in the Ukrainian edition are for foreign specialists and scholars the main and, as a rule, the only source of information about the content of the article and the results of the research. On the basis of the annotation, foreign specialists evaluate the publication, determine their interest in it, can use it for their work or make a reference to it, open a discussion with the author, make a request for the full text of the work, etc.

1. The following requirements are set for annotations:

- informative (annotation should not contain general words);

- originality (the annotation should not be a tracing paper of the Ukrainian-language annotation);

- content (annotation should reflect the main content of the article and research results);

- structure (annotation should reflect the logic of presenting the results in the article);

- the abstract should be written in high-quality English.

2. The scientific article should contain the following necessary elements:

2.1. Problem statement in general form and connection with important scientific or practical tasks, the relevance of research.

2.2 Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies;

2.3. Formulation of the goals of the article;

2.4. Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results;

2.5. Conclusion from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.

The presentation of the text should be clear, concise, without long historical excursions and well-known provisions and repetitions.

3. The volume of the article - from 0.5 print. arch. (22 thousand characters) up to 0.75 prints. arch. (30 thousand characters);

4. Requirements for text design: font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing - 1.5; paragraph indentation - 10 mm, all margins 20 mm. Drawings and tables are made out according to DSTU.
Regarding symbols. In the text it is necessary to use quotation marks only of such sample: "", the dash is a short dash: "-". No need to put extra spaces, especially in front of square or round brackets, as well as in them.

5. References to sources in the text are given as follows:
[7, p.123], where 7 is the source number according to the list of used sources, 123 is the page. References to several sources are given as follows: [1; 4; 8] or [2, p.32; 9, p.48; 11, p.257]. References to archival sources - [15, sheets 258,231].

6. The article is submitted in the original language (Ukrainian, Russian, English) in electronic form as a file, which is made in a text editor MS Word or e-mail.

7. Articles, the authors of which do not have a scientific degree, are accompanied by a review of the candidate, doctor of sciences in the field of publication, or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department (department) on the recommendation of the article for publication. The review or extract from the minutes is submitted in scanned form by e-mail.

8. The authors of the materials are responsible for the content, accuracy of the presented facts, quotations, figures, and surnames. The editors reserve the right to make minor edits and reductions, as well as literary corrections of the article (while preserving the main conclusions and style of the author). Editorial Board may not share the worldviews of the authors.

9. The article must be attached: A separate file must send complete information about the author (authors): surname, name and patronymic, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, ORCID, home, and work address with postal index, №№ phones, and E-mail. Also, to pay for the publication, you must specify the registration number of the taxpayer's account card. The names and surnames of the authors are provided in Ukrainian, Russian, and in the international transliteration system.