
  • Volodymyr Verbytskyi Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, church, state, diaspora, culture, spiritual values


The article considers a very important factor of His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church), who actively supported together with his followers, the most positive tendencies towards the development and pacification of Ukraine.
The main idea of the article is to analyze, through the prism of the historical processes of creation and existence of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the work of His Beatitude Lyubomyr Guzar, as well as the influence of the phenomenon of the international activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on and its cooperation with the state in various fields. culture, language and national traditions, as well as in the structure of the state and the foreign policy of Ukraine. In addition, the article discusses the great contribution of His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar, as the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church to the development and support of the Ukrainian diaspora abroad, which further contributed to the formation of numerous public associations of foreign Ukrainian in the world's states and linguistic, educational and cultural needs. The activity of public organizations of foreign Ukrainian is aimed at preserving its identity, language, culture and traditions. These activities are also implemented in joint projects of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine and public organizations of foreign Ukrainian, directed, in particular, to scientific and educational projects, issuing periodicals with organizations, preparing and broadcasting television and radio programs, supporting Internet resources, publishing publications on Ukrainian topics. In mass media abroad, improvement of burial places (places of memory) of outstanding Ukrainian graves abroad, organization of children's lags her with the purpose of their acquaintance with the traditions of the Ukrainian language, literature, history of Ukraine, providing educational institutions with the study of the Ukrainian language and cultural centers of print, photo, audio, video production, objects of national symbols, publishing scientific, journalistic, artistic works and collections for communities of foreign Ukrainian, as well as works of foreign Ukrainian, translation of works of Ukrainian literature in foreign languages, popularization of the Ukrainian language, literature ry, culture, history and traditions of the Ukrainian people, including the teaching of the Ukrainian language, as well as other items in the Ukrainian language, fabrication and installation of plaques, dedicated to outstanding figures of Ukrainian history, science and culture and historical events.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Verbytskyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

graduate student of the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



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How to Cite

Verbytskyi, V. (2020). HIS BEATITUDE LUBOMYR HUSAR ABOUT THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH, STATE AND THE DIASPORA. SOPHIA. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin, 13(1), 5-9. https://doi.org/10.17721/sophia.2019.13.1