femininity, Christianity, the BibleAbstract
The article considers the Bible as the most thorough and basic source for studying the concept of femininity in the religious tradition of Christianity. According to many feminist researchers, it is the Bible that makes it possible to trace the ontological status of women in the Christian tradition and to understand the specifics of Christian religious views on masculine and feminine. The opinion is proved that thanks to the analysis of biblical figures, it is possible to identify the necessary models of human behavior (A. Milano), to understand the images-symbols in their variability from the point of view of gender studies (A. Bilyka, N. Chukhim and O. Gomilko). Moreover, numerous feminist theologians and philosophers willingly refer to the Bible as the most criticized, "anti-feminist" source (E. Fiorenza). Therefore, it became necessary to study those aspects related to the raised issues for the analysis of the correct interpretation of the texts of the Bible, especially the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. The article presents an attempt to reconstruct the real status of women in the Bible. The issue of the Christian understanding of the status and historical significance of the biblical explanations of the feminine is considered (E. Bianchi and A-M. Peletier).
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