
  • Oleksandr Kudin Bogomolets National Medical University



religion, globalization, person, activity, social, non-traditional religious trends, economics, politics, transnational corporations, values


The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of modern religious studies – the problem of mutual influence of religion and globalization processes. It is noted that the term "globalization" itself is not completely open in terms of methodology. The article substantiates the position on the interrelation of religious and globalization processes with their main aspects – axiological and ethical. We can talk about the distribution of non-traditional religions on global and local. Local are those whose impacts are spread in one or two regions, do not go beyond the country. As to the effects of globalization on such religious entities, they are minimal. In addition, such educations are, to a greater degree, totalitarian entities that are subject to a charismatic leader, they are isolated from society and, thus, from globalization. Unlike local, global non-traditional religions are a "product" of globalization processes. But, if in the economic, socio-cultural spheres globalization is unification, it is the destruction of borders and divisions, and then religious globalization includes a diversity of religious nature. Undeniably non-traditional religions, both local and global, are serious rivals for traditional religions and cause a negative reaction from the latter. The influence of economic, cultural, informational and religious globalization on a person is analyzed; special attention is paid to the emergence and spread of non-traditional religious movements and currents that may lead to the emergence of a "one-dimensional person". There is also a link between globalization with religious fundamentalism and its extreme manifestations – terrorism.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Kudin, Bogomolets National Medical University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and History of Medicine, Bogomolets National Medical University


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How to Cite

Kudin, O. (2019). RELIGION IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES. SOPHIA. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin, 13(1), 30-33.