


religion, religious values, human rights, globalization, religious rights, religious freedom


The features of understanding nature and essence of human rights in different religions, specific of intercommunication of traditional religious values and human rights in the context of modern realities are considered in the article. The author analyzed the religious conceptions of human rights (on the examples of world religions) in their correlation with the existent approaches to the problems of human rights which have liberal basis and find their reflection in international documents and decisions of competent international institutes.
It is determined that the problem of contradictory interrelation of religious ideas, norms and values and human rights in the context of modern realities is at the intersection of research interests of representatives of different spheres of religious, humanitarian and law knowledge.
The basic values of the world's leading religious traditions play a significant role in shaping a kind of universal system of human rights. At the same time, the world religions pay close attention to the development of their own conceptions of human rights, which correlate accordingly with modern liberal theories of human rights.
Religious doctrines in this context differ in some important aspects, the basic principles of existing religions often do not coincide due to several fundamental points, such as the religious traditions of individual regions. The relationship between religion beliefs and human rights in Europe is dynamic and sometimes are going through appropriate transformations. This evolution is connected, in particular, with the formation of the concept of human rights in its liberal version.
Religious vision of the basic rights of human person is based primarily on the fundamental religious principles of a religion. At the same time, modern religious conceptions of human rights are sometimes a kind of reaction to liberal versions of the interpretation of this issue. As a result, religious interpretations of human rights show a certain correlation with a range of important provisions of international human rights law, and religious concepts emphasize the differences, the uniqueness of the vision of human rights inherent in a particular religious tradition.
The article emphasizes that there is no single religious view of human rights, more often it is about specific religious, confessional approaches to this problem, with existing differences in different religious traditions.


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How to Cite

Кондратьєва, І. В. (2020). RELIGIOUS VALUES AND HUMAN RIGHTS: FEATURES OF CORRELATION. SOPHIA. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin, 15(1), 17-20.