


culture-based studies, intellectual communities, discussion communities, multidisciplinarity, Eranos, public space, philosophical cafes


The aim of the paper is to reveal the specifics of the culture-based studies development process in the space of non-academic intellectual and discussion communities, namely, the "Eranos" and different philosophical cafes.
The research methodology. One of the main research methods is historical reconstruction. Intellectual communities are presented from the perspective of applying ideographic and diachronic methods. Culture-based studies require the use of a multidisciplinary methodology, and the presentation of the development of culture-based studies in the framework of the formation of public space requires an appeal to the system method.
Results. Knowledge exists not only within the walls of academic institutions. In the period of breaking of the old and the birth of new forms, the informal unions of intellectuals. There are different types of intellectual and discussion communities, gatherings in philosophical, literary cafes, are put on the forefront. Culture-based studies, at the very beginning of its formation, are associated with philosophical thought, since the figure of a philosopher in France is conceived wider than in the Ukrainian tradition. There the philosopher provides the intellectual activity, exploring a wide range of items. The methodology and the main issues of culture-based studies are formalized within the framework of the activity of intellectual discussion communities. Of these, "Eranos", which has been functioning since 1933 year, deserves special attention. The specificity of "Eranos" is, in particular, its international character.
The novelty. Culture-based studies on the territory of France are abstract-theoretical formations since in this case it is stated that there is no reliance on empirical material (as in the Anglo-Saxon variant of cultural studies). Consequently, the development of cultural studies of pure theoretical orientation occurred differently than that of the Anglo-Saxon French colleagues. One of the forms of deployment of such studies is the emergence of new ideas not within the academic space, but during discussions inside the intellectual clubs. One of these communities is the famous "Eranos" club. Meanwhile, the public space also allowed intellectuals to gather in "philosophical cafes". This tradition continues to this day, especially in the activities of journals published by such intellectual communities.
The practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the construction of educational programs in the field of cultural studies, cultural history, Ukrainian culture.


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How to Cite

Носенок, Б. Е. (2020). INTELLECTUAL COMMUNITIES AS A SPACE OF CULTURE-BASED STUDIES. SOPHIA. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin, 15(1), 44-48.