



Christianity, war, peace, UGCC, OCU, Orthodoxy, religious communities, Primate


The article analyzes the main narratives and themes in the speeches of the Primates of the OCU and the UGCC, revealing the reaction of Christian communities in Ukraine to Russia's full-scale aggression. During the war churches and believers are demonstrating active involvement in helping and supporting the Ukrainian military and civilians, evacuating people from the occupied territories, and providing humanitarian and psychological assistance. This practical dimension of church activity in a crisis for the state is supported by public statements by church leaders. All this is in line with the basic concepts of the social teachings of Christian churches related to issues of war and peace, collective security, human rights and justice, reconciliation and peacebuilding. The church hierarchy in Ukraine has faced an urgent need to define its attitude to this war and outline its place and role in public life in the context of armed confrontation. Religious leaders in Ukraine, as well as active believers, had and continue to have an impact on the formation of public sentiment and public opinion. Therefore, religious rhetoric and the activities of the church hierarchy can act as a factor of social cohesion and mobilization in society, which is significantly strengthened in times of crisis, and can lead to social disintegration processes. The Ukrainian context, namely the war, makes it possible to study this issue in an up-to-date way. Given the challenges faced by both Christian churches in Ukraine and the global religious community in general, the analysis of the concepts of war and peace, their practical dimensions, and ethical and theological explanations have become part of the everyday rhetoric of Ukraine's religious leaders. The analysis of the fundamental and basic positions of the Primates of the OCU and the UGCC showed commonality in many issues and aspects, despite the fact that the social teachings of these churches differ on issues of war and peace. This commonality in views and established interfaith communication promotes social mobilization and social cohesion, and creates a basis for joint solidarity work for the victory of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Фенно, І. М. (2024). РЕАКЦІЯ ЛІДЕРІВ ХРИСТИНЯСЬКИХ СПІЛЬНОТ УКРАЇНИ НА ПОВНОМАСШТАБНУ РОСІЙСЬКУ АГРЕСІЮ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ПЦУ ТА УГКЦ). SOPHIA. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin, 22(2), 44-47. https://doi.org/10.17721/sophia.2023.22.9